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Revolusi Cita2 aq xD

Written at Saturday 26 November 2011 | back to top
Klau dulu mula2 aq nak jadi askar ! nmpk cam best je dlm utan merangkak2 bagai xD tpi tkot kne tembak o_O" !! LOL

Kemudian , nk jdi cikgu dng sebab ! klau hari guru dpt bnyk hadiah Chesse xD .. kerana hadiah cita2 bertukar !

Then , tngok cite Resident Evil 1 o_O " wadepishh?? i nak jdi zombie hunter?? trololol ,, nk jdi JILL VALENTINE ! x nk jdi alice :P smpai mnt cmtuh aq beli game PS Resident Evil dri 1 smpai 5 ! #taksub xD

X lme lps tuh , nk jdi mcm alice in wonderland ! smpai termimpi2 !! jatoh dlm lubang la ! jumpa rabbit xD

Dh besar skit nk jdi Fashion Designer ! Sbb asyk tngok Project Runway a.k.a Project Runaway XP

Then ,, bila sambungan America Next Top Model dh ade kt TV blek nenngok je nk jdi Model LOL hampeh #Trololol  maklum la cite tuh aq tngok dri first season !! 

Kemudiannyer~ nk jdi Photographer sbb ye masok club Photographer !!

Skng dh minat jdi video maker lak !! hahaa !!

#itulah revolusi cita2 ku ^_^